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IROC Accounts/Password/Web Status

QRC's and Tip Sheets

Link to sign into IROCThis link will take you to the sign in page for the IROC application
Approving/Rejecting IROC User RolesThis Tip Sheet describes the process of managing user roles for your center.
Accessing IROCThis document discusses the steps for getting access to IROC.
Creating a AccountDirections on how to create a account
Famauth Users GuideEverything you wanted to know about FAMauth.
Granting Access to Users and DispatchersAs a dispatch manager or IROC administrator, you can log into IROC to view and approve access requests from dispatchers and web status access requests from vendors within your managing organization.
Organization Access for DispatchersAs a dispatcher, you can log into IROC to request access to a dispatch organization.
Managing Organization AccessUsers who gain access to IROC will not have access to any IROC features until they are assigned roles. A dispatch manager at the user s dispatch must set that user s roles in IROC. This task is accomplished in the My Organization Access Roles module in IROC Data Management Tool (DMT) and the process is described in this document.
Requesting IMT Roles From Dispatch - Tip SheetThis tip describes the process an IMT member will need to go through to obtain access to IROC.
User RolesIROC is available to a variety of users. User roles are designed to provide you the IROC functionality that you need. Data access may be further limited to activities within your organization.

Welcome to a New Fire Season

"This is a document and imbedded video that we think will be helpful for our user community."

Mobile Web Status

Accessing Mobile Wildland Fire Application Portal in App Store (iOS)This document explains the process to download and use the Mobile Web Status application on an IPhone
Accessing Mobile Wildland Fire Application Portal in Play Store (Android)This document explains the process to download and use the Mobile Web Status application on an Android Phone
Determining Web Status - Mobile - Self StatusThis document give directions on how to use the Mobile Web Status application for self status in the IROC program.
Determining Web Status - Mobile - Government RepresentativeThis document give directions on how to use the Mobile Web Status application for Government Representative in the IROC program.
Determining Web Status - Mobile - VendorThis document give directions on how to use the Mobile Web Status application for in the IROC program.

Mobile Web Status Videos

Accessing Mobile Wildland Fire Application Portal in App Store (IOS) VideoThis video shows the user how to access the Now application in the Apple Store.
Accessing Mobile Wildland Fire Application Portal in Play Store - VideoThis video shows the user how to access the Now application in the Play Store (Android).
Determining Web Status - Mobile - Self Status - VideoThis video shows the user how to use the Self Status module on a mobile device.
Determining Web Status - Mobile - Government Rep - VideoThis video shows the user how to status their resources using a mobile device.
Determining Web Status - Mobile Vendor - VideoThis video shows vendors how to status their resources using a mobile device.

Web Status

Getting Access and Setting Vendor Web StatusAs a vendor, you can log into IROC to set the status for your resources. To do so, you must first request Vendor Web Status. You can then set the available area and the status for the resource.
Overhead Self StatusAs an overhead resource with qualifications, you can log in to IROC to set your status. This document gives direction on how to do that.
Requesting and Setting Government Representative Web StatusYou can log into IROC to set your status and available area. To do so, you must first request access.
Web Status for Vendors - Tip Sheet 2023Describes the process to use for vendors setting up their accounts for web status.
Vendor Web Status VideoVideo goes through the process a vendor needs to go through to set their availability in IROC.