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FEMS - Fire Environment Mapping System - Weather and Fire Danger in One Location

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The FEMS application now includes an upgraded weather dataset and a new mapping system. Click on the Alerts link for information about the transition from WIMS to FEMS.  Development to include fire danger rating in the application continues.

Check Alerts & Announcements for important updates!!

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FEMS is a wildland fire IT application which supports wildland fire preparedness and decision-making with better access to fire environment datasets and online analysis tools than the applications it is designed to replace, including WIMS and NFMD. The FEMS application's initial development will continue over the next few years. Version 3.1 is now live, featuring mapping for Field Sample (Live Fuels), and Fire Danger outputs through the download page. View the release notice here: FEMS 3.1 Release Notice. FEMS 3.1 includes the following functionality:

  • An interactive user interface with maps, tables and charts which displays Live Fuel Moisture information
    • These datasets include the full history of archived observations from the legacy fuel moisture database.
  • Fire Danger Outputs are now available.
    • NFDR inputs are now catalog based.
    • Fire Danger outputs are now available through the download page. 

Additional future development will integrate NFDRS outputs to replace WIMS functionality.

WIMS, the Weather Information Management System, remains operational during FEMS development. WIMS will continue to be the official system for applying NFDRS to weather data until the WIMS Replacement Release of FEMS is operational and ready for the transition.

System Status: FEMS is Operational


For information please contact the following:

Scott Linn

USFS-NFDRS Program Manager

Travis Verdegan

Predictive Services Coordinator-MNDNR

Cheryl Bright

EACC Predictive Services Fire/Fuels Analyst